Learning the country life in a farmhouse inn

To learn what life is like at a farmhouse inn, you can help us in our daily chores on the farm.

Our young guests especially will love to bring the hay to the cows, to groom them, to watch as they are milked and give milk to the calves, to bring fresh water to the chickens and collect the eggs. Even our cats and our dog Jacky enjoy food and coddles. If you wish, in summer you can help us harvest the hay in the fields. This way, on hot summer days you can sunbathe and work out all in one go at zero cost, up and down the steep fields.


Our busy chickens give us fresh eggs every day and together with the cock can go out and enjoy the sun and the fresh air on the farm.


Our cows give us fresh milk that is obtained every morning and again in the evening. In summer, some of them are sent ‘on holiday’ up to the summer mountain pastures. If you like, you can enter the stall and watch while they are milked.


Our cats love to be patted, and the kittens are especially cute.


Even our dog Jacky can’t wait to have new playmates. You can pat her without any fear because she is as good as gold.

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